Fact Sheet: Utah’s Older Population: 2020
In 2020, 381,797 residents age 65 or older lived in Utah. The majority (60%) of these older Utahns were 65 to 74 years old and[...]
July 1, 2022 estimates produced by the Utah Population Committee indicate a total population of 3,404,760, adding 61,242 residents to the state since July 1, 2021. The midyear reference date of these estimates reflects the[...]
Each year, the Census Bureau produces population estimates at varying levels of geography. The age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin estimates at the nation, state, and county level is the final release of the 2021[...]
In 2020, 381,797 residents age 65 or older lived in Utah. The majority (60%) of these older Utahns were 65 to 74 years old and[...]
July 1, 2022 estimates produced by the Utah Population Committee indicate a total population of 3,404,760, adding 61,242 residents to the state since July 1,[...]
Each year, the Census Bureau produces population estimates at varying levels of geography. The age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin estimates at the nation, state,[...]
Each year, the Census Bureau produces population estimates at varying levels of geography. The age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin estimates at the nation, state,[...]
In 2020, 381,797 residents age 65 or older lived in Utah. The majority (60%)[...]
July 1, 2022 estimates produced by the Utah Population Committee indicate a total population[...]