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Industry Studies

The Gardner Institute conducts economic impact studies to understand the effect of a firm, group of firms, or an entire industry on Utah’s economy. We estimate direct economic effects using employment, wages, and other data. We model indirect, induced, and dynamic economic impacts using statistical analysis and simulation software. The Gardner Institute also performs fiscal impact analyses to help policymakers and others understand the effect of a firm or an entire industry on state and local government finances.

102, 2022

Industry Snapshot: An Economic Summary of Utah’s Arts, Culture, and Entertainment Industry, 2022

February 1st, 2022|

Utah's arts, culture, and entertainment industry (cultural industry) is comprised of a variety of industries, including jobs in the area of design, entertainment, fashion, film, humanities, live events, museums, and traditional arts. In 2020, Utah’s cultural industry generated $9.1 billion in direct sales, which spurred an additional $8.7 billion in indirect and induced effects, for a total of $17.8 billion in total sales—or 9.0% of Utah’s 2020 GDP.

212, 2021

A Roadmap for Improving Utah’s Behavioral Health System 2021 End-of-Year Update

December 2nd, 2021|

The Utah Hospital Association (UHA) released A Roadmap for Improving Utah’s Behavioral Health System in February 2020. The Roadmap was developed in collaboration with UHA’s behavioral health committee and mental health workgroup, comprising members of the mental health community. The purpose of the roadmap is to provide a guide policy makers, UHA, and other stakeholders can use to support legislation, policy decisions, and program development to help ensure every citizen in the state of Utah has access to appropriate behavioral health services and supports.

110, 2021

Fact Sheet: Family Caregivers in Utah

October 1st, 2021|

A growing body of family caregivers in Utah provide unpaid care to family members or friends with health problems or disabilities. The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide key information about Utah's caregivers, their challenges, and the economic value they provide.