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Public Policy

The Gardner Institute provides data-driven, context-specific insights about public policy in Utah. We prepare in-depth quantitative and qualitative studies on key Utah issues in partnership with private-sector stakeholders and state and local government. Our research provides vital information decision-makers and the public use to help Utah prosper.

912, 2019

Ivory-Boyer Construction Report, 3rd Quarter 2019

December 9th, 2019|

This year is shaping up to be another record year for Utah’s construction industry. Through the third quarter of 2019, the total value of permit-authorized construction is $7.4 billion, surpassing the pre-recession high of $7.2 billion in 2007 (inflation-adjusted). The residential sector accounts for 60% of the total statewide value. Most of the residential growth is in apartments.

412, 2019

Insight: The Supply of and Demand for Skills in Utah

December 4th, 2019|

By: John Downen Note: The opinions expressed are those of the author alone and do not reflect an institutional position of the Gardner Institute. We hope the opinions shared contribute to the marketplace of ideas and help people as they formulate their own INFORMED DECISIONS™. Dec 4, 2019 – There’s been a lot of talk lately about labor shortages. After 10 years of recovery, firms are having difficulty filling jobs. Private-sector employment in Utah has grown 3.5% annually since 2010. Unemployment rates are at historic lows: 2.5% in October. However, wage growth has been sluggish at best, averaging just 1.1[...]

212, 2019

November 2019 Economic Summary

December 2nd, 2019|

Utah’s nonagricultural employment increased an estimated 3.3%, or 51,200 jobs, between October 2018 and October 2019. Nationally, employment increased 1.4%, or 2.1 million jobs, between October 2018 and October 2019.

1411, 2019

Insight: Utah’s Travel and Tourism Industry: Holding Strong with Shifting Trends

November 14th, 2019|

By: Jennifer Leaver Note: The opinions expressed are those of the author alone and do not reflect an institutional position of the Gardner Institute. We hope the opinions shared contribute to the marketplace of ideas and help people as they formulate their own INFORMED DECISIONS™. Nov 14, 2019 – Out this week, the Gardner Institute’s Travel and Tourism Industry report shows Utah’s eighth largest industry continues to hold strong, despite shifting trends. In 2018, Utah visitors directly spent a record $9.75 billion in the Utah economy—a 6.5% increase from the previous year. This spending supported 136,000 Utah jobs and generated[...]

1411, 2019

The State of Utah’s Travel and Tourism Industry, 2018

November 14th, 2019|

Utah’s diverse travel and tourism industry provides jobs and income for Utah residents and contributes state and local tax revenue. Utah’s natural, cultural, and historical assets draw domestic and international visitors year-round. Since 2014, visitor spending in Utah’s economy increased by an average 3.4% annually when adjusted for inflation. In 2018, travelers directly spent a record $9.75 billion in Utah, generating an estimated 136,000 total Utah jobs, and $1.28 billion in state and local tax revenue. Utah’s national parks, state parks, and ski resorts experienced record visitation in 2018 as well.

3110, 2019

A Qualitative Study of Utah’s State Turnaround Program: Cohort One

October 31st, 2019|

The first cohort of schools that successfully exited the Utah State Turnaround Program experienced similar factors of success and share similar concerns. A concerted focus on data, positive reinforcement, collaboration, and strong leadership were chief among the factors they attributed to their success. These schools are very proud and empowered by their success, yet have concerns about sustaining the gains made without the additional resources or school leadership that adopts turnaround practices.

2910, 2019

Insight: Utah’s Air Quality: Zeroing in on Health Impacts

October 29th, 2019|

By: Laura Summers Note: The opinions expressed are those of the author alone and do not reflect an institutional position of the Gardner Institute. We hope the opinions shared contribute to the marketplace of ideas and help people as they formulate their own INFORMED DECISIONS™. The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute is currently developing a roadmap of possible solutions for the Utah Legislature to consider in addressing Utah’s air quality and changing climate. This process includes evaluating existing research on how poor air quality impacts our environment, economy, and our health. As the senior health care analyst, I had an[...]

2910, 2019

October 2019 Economic Summary

October 29th, 2019|

The Utah economy exceeded expectations in 2018, adding a total of 48,500 new jobs over the year. An annual employment growth rate of 3.3% is on par with the state’s long-term average and is among the strongest in the nation. A tightening labor market (3.1 percent unemployment) applied upward pressure on personal income. Annual income per capita increased to $45,174, a 3.9 percent increase from last year.

2210, 2019

Insight: Despite Economic Uncertainty, Wages Continue to Rise Overall

October 22nd, 2019|

By: Juliette Tennert and Kathryn Macdonald-Poelman The recent quarterly report on personal income growth from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) gives some surprising and not so surprising tells for the nation as a whole and for Utahns. The components of total personal income include property income (dividends, interest and rent), transfer receipts (social security, Medicare, disability or unemployment insurance compensation etc.), and earnings (the sum of wages and salaries, including income for the self-employed). As the largest share of personal income, a close look at earnings within personal income can provide the clearest picture of how the everyday American[...]

310, 2019

Insight: Construction jobs are not keeping up with construction activity

October 3rd, 2019|

By: Dejan Eskic The phrase “labor shortage” isn’t new but has reappeared more recently as unemployment rates hit record lows across the country. Job growth continues to thrive, with every sector surpassing its pre-recession peak in Utah. The construction sector has recovered well from its 2011 low, increasing employment by 58 percent. However, it stands out as having one of the lowest growth rates from the pre-recession peak in 2007 to 2018, recovering by less than 1 percent, as shown in Figure 1 and Table 1. […]