Public Policy
The Gardner Institute provides data-driven, context-specific insights about public policy in Utah. We prepare in-depth quantitative and qualitative studies on key Utah issues in partnership with private-sector stakeholders and state and local government. Our research provides vital information decision-makers and the public use to help Utah prosper.
2030 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in Utah: Estimated Economic and Fiscal Impact
The proposed 2030 Olympic Winter Games in Utah would make a significant economic impact.
Insight: Congrats to the Grads: The Benefits of Higher Education
By: Andrea Thomas Brandley May 16, 2022 – Over the past few weeks, thousands of Utah families have been celebrating college graduates, my family included. The class of 2022 includes six of my family members (two siblings, three siblings-in-law, and my husband), graduating with various degrees from four different Utah institutions. No matter how many graduation ceremonies I attend, I always end up with tears in my eyes, in awe of the accomplishments and hard work of so many reaching this important milestone. However, graduating college does much more than bring proud tears to family members’ eyes. Increasing educational attainment[...]
Economic Challenges and Opportunities in Utah’s Coal Country
The Gardner Institute’s 40-year population and employment planning projections illustrate how scheduled power plant closures and declining coal production is likely to affect the region. This report can help to plan for the coming decades as economic circumstances change for Carbon and Emery counties.
Insight: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: Addressing Utah’s Short Term Rental Market Growth
By: Jennifer Leaver Apr 19, 2022 – Short term rentals, available on platforms like Airbnb and VRBO, have drawn both positive and negative attention over the past few years. Initially, short term rentals were lauded as income-generators that allowed local residents to rent out their personal spaces and properties to visitors. In fact, during the COVID-19 pandemic, short term rentals were perceived by travelers as “safer” accommodation alternatives to hotels. However, short term rentals have generated controversy as neighborhood disruptors and key contributors to local and employee housing shortages. […]
Insight: Are Utah’s Wages Pacing with High Inflation?
By Natalie Roney and Phil Dean Mar 23, 2022 – The COVID-19 pandemic and its economic repercussions continue to reverberate throughout the Utah and U.S. economies. In particular, labor shortages and high inflation remain top of mind for many Utahns as a return to “normal” economic conditions remains elusive. This post explores aspects of real (inflation-adjusted) wage indicators. […]
Insight: Oral Health in Utah
By: Julia Martin Mar 21, 2022 – “Good oral health is critical for children, as it can affect their overall health, social adjustment, appearance, school performance, and ability to thrive”[1] Oral health is an often overlooked and ignored health status in Utah. The state's most recent oral health campaign focused on Utah adolescents,[2] while this is a step in the right direction, there needs to be a bigger emphasis on childhood oral health. Unfortunately, the most recent data for childhood oral health is from the 2015-2016 Oral Health Status of Utah’s Children. According to this report, there is a “concerning[...]
Insight: Panic at the Pump
By: Thomas Holst Mar 17, 2022 – Current motor gasoline prices have shocked Utah motorists. Utah motor gasoline prices jumped $1 per gallon to $4.35. The increase came after the United States and European countries banned Russian energy imports in response to the Ukraine invasion. […]
Ivory-Boyer Construction Report Fourth Quarter 2021
The continued record breaking pace of permitted construction activity reached new milestones in 2021. The rebound in commercial activity in 2021 put the year total on the second highest in terms of construction value. The residential market also reached into new territory.