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Utah Informed 2023: Visual Intellection for 2023

Utah Informed ​is a collection of tables, charts, ideas, and schematics to prompt consideration of a compelling trend, spur an innovative idea, or inspire an aspirational thought. Decision makers are advantaged when they understand the past[...]

2023 Economic Report to the Governor (Highlights)

Utah enters 2023 facing significant economic uncertainty as decision-makers continue to grapple with ever-changing pockets of economic strength and weakness. The post-pandemic economy has altered many traditional economic relationships.

2023 Economic Report to the Governor

The 2023 Economic Report to the Governor is the 35th publication in this series. Through the last three and a half decades, the Economic Report to the Governor has served as the preeminent source for[...]


What’s New in Utah’s 2020 Census Geography?

Geography is a foundational aspect of the census, providing the framework for the once-a-decade count of population and housing. The U.S. Census Bureau released Utah’s[...]

An Economic Analysis of Zion National Park Scenarios, 2021

Proposed developments at Zion National Park’s east entrance include the construction of a new visitor center, lodging, and hiking/biking trails along with the deployment of[...]

Ivory-Boyer Construction Report, Fourth Quarter 2020

The year 2020 was record-breaking for construction in the state of Utah. Total permitted construction value reached $11.0 billion for the year, a number that[...]
