Informed Decisions 2020 Election Brief
In this INFORMED DECISIONS™ election brief, we share insights in three areas of critical concern to Utahns: education funding, housing affordability, and the impact of[...]
Statewide survey found a majority of Utah parents with children under the age of 12 work full-time and believe there are a number of workplace policies employers could offer to support them in getting closer[...]
Utah residents indicate a wide range of opinions about Utah’s tourism industry. A local area survey conducted in Fall 2021 provides insight on the similarities and differences in how tourism is perceived in 14 different[...]
Utah residents indicate a wide range of opinions about Utah’s tourism industry. In a statewide survey conducted in Fall 2021, Utah residents recognized the extensive reach of tourism activity in the state, revealed their firsthand[...]
In this INFORMED DECISIONS™ election brief, we share insights in three areas of critical concern to Utahns: education funding, housing affordability, and the impact of[...]
Salt Lake County is home to over half of Utah’s new Americans. This population is ever-changing; the number of arrivals, major country or region of[...]
The first cohort of schools that successfully exited the Utah State Turnaround Program experienced similar factors of success and share similar concerns. A concerted focus[...]
In May and June of 2019, deliberative groups of parents and early childhood service providers in communities throughout Utah identified challenges and barriers to learning[...]
Voters have much to consider this year as they fill out their ballots. The Gardner Policy Institute and the Hinckley Institute of Politics of the[...]
By: Marin Christensen Note: The opinions expressed are those of the author alone and[...]
By: Natalie Gochnour Originally published in the Deseret News. Mar 11, 2020 – The[...]
By: Marin Christensen Note: The opinions expressed are those of the author alone and[...]