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Utah Travel and Tourism County Profiles, 2021

In 2021, visitors directly spent significantly across the state, a sharp increase from 2020. The top three spending categories were auto transportation, lodging, and food[...]

2030 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in Utah: Demographic, Social, and Environmental Factors

Utah’s demographic, social, and environmental factors favorably position the state to host another successful Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.

A Comparison of State-Funded Affordable Housing Programs

Utah policymakers have significantly expanded affordable housing programs in response to the housing crisis. As this effort continues, a comparison of state housing programs provides[...]

An Economic Summary of Salt Lake County’s Cultural Industry, 2023

In 2021, Salt Lake County’s cultural industry, including the design, education, entertainment, fashion, film, humanities, and traditional arts sectors, generated $6.2 billion in output (direct[...]
