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Fact Sheet: Utah’s Home-Based Workers

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly accelerated growth in the number of Utahns working from home. In 2021, 1 in 5 (20%) Utahns worked from home, compared with fewer than one in thirteen (7.4%) in 2019.

State of the State’s Housing Market, 2022-2024

The pandemic years created unmatched volatility in Utah’s housing market. The volatility in these past two years surpassed 50 years of housing history. Building permits for residential units increased by 26% in 2021, only to[...]


A Visual Guide to Tax Modernization: Individual Income Tax in Utah

Utahns share a common interest in a state and local tax system that provides for our needs, keeps the economy strong, and remains viable over[...]

An Economic Summary of Salt Lake County’s Cultural Industry, 2023

In 2021, Salt Lake County’s cultural industry, including the design, education, entertainment, fashion, film, humanities, and traditional arts sectors, generated $6.2 billion in output (direct[...]

Utah’s Rental Market

Utah’s renters, like much of the renters across the country faced dramatic increases in housing costs throughout the pandemic. For the renters across the four[...]

Policy Brief: Utah’s Energy Industry

Heading into 2022, energy experts debated the speed and timing of a return to “normal” energy demand following a tumultuous 2020–2021 as the world responded[...]
