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Economic and Public Policy Research

Utah’s Rental Market

Utah’s renters, like much of the renters across the country faced dramatic increases in housing costs throughout the pandemic. For the renters across the four Wasatch Front counties, average asking rents increased more in the[...]


A Pathway for Improving Early Childhood Mental Health in Utah (The Children’s Center Utah)

Sound mental health provides an essential foundation of stability that supports all other aspects of human development—from the formation of friendships and the ability to[...]

Point of the Mountain Buildout Scenarios: Economic and Fiscal Contributions

The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute has prepared an economic and fiscal analysis assessment of buildout scenarios at The Point of the Mountain, also referred[...]

A Blueprint for Growing Salt Lake City’s Health Care Innovation Economy

Salt Lake City will be a premier health care innovation hub that provides expanded economic opportunity and improved health and well-being for all residents.

Utah State Government Growth: Following the Feds or On its Own Path?

In 2020, U.S. government expenditures climbed to 31.2% of the nation's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the largest expenditure as a percent GDP since the end[...]

A Visual Guide to Tax Modernization: Understanding Property Taxes

Utahns share a common interest in a state and local tax system that provides for our needs, keeps the economy strong, and remains viable over[...]
