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Population Projections

The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute produces three products for the State of Utah to inform decision making: long-term (50-year) planning projections, short-term (10-year) projections, and long-term projections by age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin.

The Utah long and short-term projections are updated every four years on an alternating schedule. Previous vintages created by the Gardner Institute, for reference purposes only, are available in our archive.

2711, 2017

Video: Utah’s Long-Term Demographic and Economic Projections

November 27th, 2017|

The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute recently co-hosted the Utah Legislature at a policy summit focused on Utah’s future. The summit opened with this video, which highlights growth and change in Utah. The video presents the findings of the state’s long-term demographic and economic projections such as growth, urbanization, declining fertility, sustained in-migration and an aging population.

1910, 2017

Insight: The next 50 years will be a test of community leadership for a growing Utah County

October 19th, 2017|

By: Natalie Gochnour Originally published in the Deseret News The numbers are hard to ignore. A mountain of economic and demographic data as high as Mount Timpanogos shows Utah County on the rise. Economic, demographic and political power are shifting south, and Utah’s second largest county is the epicenter of growth and change in the Beehive State. The only question is are we ready? The state’s most recent employment report shows Utah County’s economy growing at more than twice the state average and nearly three times the national average. This isn’t a surprise given the extraordinary tech-sector job growth currently[...]

2707, 2017

Utah’s Long-Term Demographic and Economic Projections Summary

July 27th, 2017|

The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute prepares long-term demographic and economic projections to support informed decision making in the state. The Utah Legislature funds this research, which is done in collaboration with the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget, the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst, the Utah Association of Governments, and other research entities. These 50-year projections indicate continued population growth and illuminate a range of future dynamics and structural shifts for Utah. An initial set of products is available online at Additional research briefs, fact sheets, web-enabled visualizations, and other products will be produced in the coming[...]

1807, 2017

Insight: A Look at Utah in 50 Years

July 18th, 2017|

By: Pamela S. Perlich This week, we released our county level demographic and economic projections for Utah for the next half century. These projections are the culmination of two years of research and development work by our team at the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute. Given my long history and deep involvement in this projection work, my inclination is to share stories about and lessons from the past two years. I will resist this impulse and focus instead on what the work has taught us about Utah’s next 50 years. […]

2410, 2016

Insight: Imagine Utah’s Next 50 Years

October 24th, 2016|

By: Natalie Gochnour Originally published in the Deseret News In 1966, Utah reached the 1 million population milestone. Community leaders celebrated the achievement by greeting Utah’s newest resident — dubbed “Mr. Million” – with a 60-piece band as he stepped off the airplane. Since then Utah has added another 2 million people, and projections released last week by the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute suggest another 2.5 million new residents over the next 50 years. It begs the question, what does the future portend for the Beehive State? […]