The Gardner Institute provides demographic decision support to the Utah State Legislature and Office of the Governor. We produce population estimates and projections, as well as applied demographic research focused on Utah. We represent the state in work with the Census Bureau, including the State Data Center Program and Federal State Cooperatives for Population Estimates and Projections. We work with the Census Bureau in production, distribution, and analysis of their product.
We are your demographic resource.
Insight: COVID-19 Death Rates and Demographic Factors
By: Mike Hollingshaus and Emily Harris Oct 12, 2021 – The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute has released an updated report on Utah’s COVID-19 per-capita-death rates. Our analysis indicates that during the first year of the pandemic, Utah’s structural demographic factors (age, race/ethnic, and sex composition) account for half of Utah’s lower-than-average death rate (compared to the U.S.). The remaining difference is attributable to other factors such as disease epidemiology, institutional and personal behaviors, or social networks. […]
2020 Census in Utah Summary Report
This document serves as a record of activities undertaken as part of Utah’s 2020 Census effort, focusing on the period leading up to and during the enumeration.
2020 Census in Utah, Appendix 3: Public Outreach
Funding appropriated in the fall of 2019 by the Utah Legislature allowed the Utah Statewide Complete Count Committee to dedicate $1 million toward outreach efforts to encourage Utahns to participate in the 2020 Census.
2020 Census in Utah, Appendix 2: Geography
AGRC LUCA Presentation at Utah State Data Center Conference
2020 Census in Utah, Appendix 1:Differential Privacy
The Demography Team at the Institute is mandated by the state to create long-range population projections at the state and county level and annual population estimates at the state, county, and subcounty level to inform planning and investment purposes for state and local government.
Insight: New decennial data for Utah cities and counties
By: Mallory Bateman Aug 19, 2021 – The release of the redistricting data (or PL 94 file) by the Census Bureau on August 12 provided a new set of insights from the 2020 enumeration. This release includes data on race, Hispanic or Latino origin, and housing from the state level to the smallest Census geography (block). […]
Fact Sheet: First Insights – 2020 Census Utah Counties and Communities
The redistricting data is the second statistical release of the 2020 census suite of products.
Fact Sheet: First Insights – 2020 Census Race and Hispanic or Latino Origin in Utah
This Fact Sheet highlights the decade’s changes in race and Hispanic or Latino origin at the state and county level, using the redistricting data from the 2020 Census.
Insight: Access New Community Data with the Census 2020 Utah Redistricting Data Dashboard
By: Eric Albers and Emily Harris Aug 16, 2021 – After months of anxiously waiting, we have finally received the next round of Census 2020 results! On August 12th, the Census Bureau released its third phase of Census 2020 data products: the redistricting data. This data’s primary purpose is redistricting, so while it goes down to the smallest geographic level possible, it does not have the full level of demographic detail that later data releases will have. Additionally, the initial data format is not particularly user-friendly, so cleaning, aggregation, and analysis is required. […]
Moving Past Net Migration: Demographic Characteristics of Utah’s Recent Migrants
Migration is becoming a more reliable component of Utah’s population growth. Migrants are demographically different from the rest of Utah, contributing to the changing demographics of the state.