Census Estimates
The Census Bureau’s Population Estimates Program produces estimates of the population of the nation, states, counties, cities, and towns. Demographic components of population change (births, deaths, and migration) and characteristics (age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin) are produced annually. These estimates are best for national comparisons.
Insight: 2020 1-Year ACS Experimental Data Released
By: Mallory Bateman Nov 30, 2021 New data, with caveats The Census Bureau today released the 2020 1-Year American Community Survey (ACS) Experimental Estimates in 54 summary tables for the nation and states and the accompanying Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS). Due to data collection issues and nonresponse bias created during COVID-19, the quality of the data available did not meet the Census Bureau’s standards for a full release. Respondents in 2020 typically had higher educational attainment, higher incomes, and were more likely to own their own homes than the total population. The Census Bureau used administrative data to help[...]
U.S. Census Bureau 2015-2019 5-Year American Community Survey Estimates
The American Community Survey (ACS) is an ongoing survey that provides information on communities’ social, demographic, and economic characteristics. The ACS began in 2008 and replaced the Census Long Form in 2010. Each year, the Census Bureau provides a new update to both the 1 and 5-Year Estimates.