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Blog Posts

511, 2015

Insight: Trends in Retail Sales and Housing Prices

November 5th, 2015|

By: James Wood Retail sales in Utah grew by 43 percent from 2003 to 2007, an increase of over $7 billion in just four years.  But this remarkable growth was not unique.  There have been similar retail booms in Utah’s past and, as in the recent boom, they were closely related to a rapid run-up in housing prices. […]

2610, 2015

Insight: Utah Population Achieves 3 Million

October 26th, 2015|

By: Dr. Pamela Perlich, Ph.D. The DemographyUTAH team estimates that the Utah population has reached 3,000,000 as of October 2015. As with all estimates, there is an element of uncertainty. Migration is always the wild card. If migration has been more rapid than estimated, we may have achieved this milestone in August. Conversely, if migration is less than estimated, the three million mark may not be reached until January of 2016. […]

1910, 2015

Insight: Cooperation, Compromise Key to Utah’s Success

October 19th, 2015|

By: Ken Embley When I think about working with others, I think of concepts and values expressed in terms such as tolerance, respect, cooperation, compromise and collaboration.  However, in today’s social and political climate, I fear that we are in danger of losing these types of concepts and values—the types of concepts and values that makes working with others for the benefit of all possible. […]

1610, 2015

Insight: Utah’s Intergenerational Poverty Research: A Public Policy Breakthrough

October 16th, 2015|

By: Natalie Gochnour Originally published in the Deseret News I’m always looking for public policy breakthroughs that make Utah a better place to live and raise a family. I can think of several great decisions over the years. For instance, Olene Walker sponsored legislation that created Utah’s rainy day fund. It was a lifesaver when the financial crisis hit. The Utah Compact advanced principles to guide Utah’s immigration discussion. This created the context for immigration reform policies that protected public safety, kept families together and strengthened the Utah economy. And when Salt Lake and Utah counties passed ballot initiatives supporting[...]

1510, 2015

Insight: Demographic Forces Driving Housing Demand

October 15th, 2015|

By: Dr. Pamela Perlich, Ph.D. The Utah Housing Coalition is hosting its annual Housing Matters Conference Tuesday and Wednesday, October 20th and 21st in Park City. This group studies housing issues and is committed to increasing accessible, affordable housing throughout Utah. The conference program reflects an organization that is committed to action and results through creative partnerships, policy development and application, and innovative financing practices. […]

1310, 2015

Insight: 2015 Utah Tourism Conference Attracts Record Attendance

October 13th, 2015|

By: Jennifer Leaver In keeping with recent record-setting trends in Utah’s tourism sector, the 2015 Utah Tourism Conference sold out for the first time to record attendance. Though holding the early October conference at the entrance to breathtaking Bryce Canyon National Park – and offering hikes, horseback rides, canyoneering, and star-viewing opportunities to conference attendees – certainly didn’t hurt! […]

1210, 2015

Insight: 2015 Utah Office Construction Near Record Levels

October 12th, 2015|

By: James Wood The value of construction activity in Utah is at its highest level in seven years. Through the second quarter of 2015 Utah office construction statewide totaled $3.6 billion, including $2.1 billion in residential construction and $1.5 billion in nonresidential construction. Most surprising has been the strength of the nonresidential sector with construction value approaching the record level of 2008 (see Figure 1). Much of the strength of the nonresidential sector is due to new industrial and office building development (see Table 1). […]

510, 2015

Insight: The Best and the Brightest

October 5th, 2015|

By: Dr. Jennifer Robinson, Ph.D. The University of Utah is bustling with energy as thousands of students return to campus this fall. In seven months from now there will be a different sort of energy on campus as thousands of students prepare to graduate and embark on their careers. Where will they go? A number of places—business, nursing, or Utah’s fast growing technology field to name a few. In total, millennials make up 23.5 percent of the entire workforce. However, there is one place most millennials won’t be heading—public service. […]

3009, 2015

Insight: When stars align

September 30th, 2015|

By: Natalie Gochnour Originally published in Utah Business I’ve learned over the years to pay attention when stars align in a powerful way. It happened when my daughter, who was attending an out-of-state college, landed a job with the school paper, committed to a major and established great friendships. Suddenly, her college education and experience took off. It happened when Urban Meyer brought his coaching skills to build a team with a 22-2 record and reinvigorated the MUSS, or the Mighty Utah Student Section, at Rice Eccles Stadium. Stellar coaching and engaged students helped the Utes win and laid the[...]

2909, 2015

Insight: Utah’s Hidden Diversity: Decoding Evidence from the Census

September 29th, 2015|

By: Dr. Pamela Perlich, PhD I have the honor of delivering the keynote at the 63rd Annual Utah State History Conference on Friday, October 2, 2015. This years’ theme is Deep Roots, Many Voices: Exploring Utah’s Multicultural Past. It is held at the Utah Cultural Celebration Center. It is a full day of panels, discussions, documentaries, exhibits, and presentations that explore many facets of Utah’s richly diverse population. […]