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Blog Posts

2001, 2017

Insight: Learning from three-time Pulitzer Prize winner Tom Friedman

January 20th, 2017|

By: Natalie Gochnour New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman is a world class talent. It was our privilege to host him at the inaugural Kem C. Gardner Policy Symposium this month. I attended the event and enjoyed a dinner with him the night before. I’d like to share a few insights from the experience. […]

1801, 2017

Insight: 2017 Economic Report to the Governor

January 18th, 2017|

By: Juliette Tennert Today, the Utah Economic Council released the 29th edition of the annual Economic Report to the Governor. The report is a collaborative endeavor between the Council, the David Eccles School of Business, and the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget. […]

2112, 2016

Insight: Utah Tops National Growth

December 21st, 2016|

By: Pamela S. Perlich Census Bureau estimates released today confirm that Utah’s population surpassed 3 million and also had the most rapid growth rate last year. The state population for July 1, 2016 of 3,051,217 is an increase of 60,585, the 11th highest population growth amount among all states. Utah’s highest in the nation annual growth rate of 2.03 percent, outpaces second-ranked Nevada (1.95 percent), and third ranked Idaho (1.83 percent). Utah also became the 31st most populous state, increasing from a ranking of 34 in 2010. In the process, it surpassed Mississippi, Arkansas, and Kansas. […]

2211, 2016

Insight: Comparing the economies of Utah and Idaho

November 22nd, 2016|

By: Natalie Gochnour Originally published in Utah Business I love the state of Idaho. I love the spectacular mountains, the rivers and the farmlands. I enjoy visiting the small towns and view Boise as an up-and-coming metropolitan area with an urban vibe. I love Sun Valley in the winter or summer and always welcome the chance to take my family there for a getaway. Mostly, I appreciate the people of Idaho for their friendliness, hardiness and industrious spirit. We are fortunate in Utah to have such a wonderful neighbor to the north. I’ve watched with interest over the past few[...]

1511, 2016

Insight: Does Utah Have a Housing Shortage?

November 15th, 2016|

By: James Wood Several housing market indicators suggest Utah may have a housing shortage: Home sales are hot. In the past two and a half years, the typical “for sale” home sold in 25 days. Prices of “for sale” homes continue to climb at a brisk pace. Home prices along the Wasatch Front counties are up nearly 25 percent in three years, pushed up by demand running ahead of supply. The number of new listing of “for sale” homes have been disappointing. Sharply rising prices generally bring more sellers into the market and boosts the number of listings but listings have[...]

2410, 2016

Insight: Imagine Utah’s Next 50 Years

October 24th, 2016|

By: Natalie Gochnour Originally published in the Deseret News In 1966, Utah reached the 1 million population milestone. Community leaders celebrated the achievement by greeting Utah’s newest resident — dubbed “Mr. Million” – with a 60-piece band as he stepped off the airplane. Since then Utah has added another 2 million people, and projections released last week by the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute suggest another 2.5 million new residents over the next 50 years. It begs the question, what does the future portend for the Beehive State? […]

1910, 2016

Insight: Ethical Leadership

October 19th, 2016|

By: Dr. Jennifer Robinson, Ph.D. “When you put your life in perspective, you realize how little time there is to make something truly significant out of it. To some people this might mean acquiring a lot of possessions, building a business, or owning property. There’s nothing wrong with these aspirations, but for me they pale in comparison to individuals who want to leave something more consequential as their legacy.” — Bill Daniels […]

2209, 2016

Insight: New Data Sheds Light on Utah’s Shifting Demographics

September 22nd, 2016|

By: Dr. Pamela S. Perlich, Ph.D. This past week, the U.S. Census Bureau released the 2015 American Community Survey 1-year estimates. [i] These data show us that while Utah maintains its “signature demographics”, it continues to follow long run national demographic and economic trends. Evidence of the ongoing recovery from effects of the Great Recession also appear in these data. […]

2707, 2016

Insight: Rudeness Reveals Character

July 27th, 2016|

By: Ken Embley I have a difficult time dealing with rude people.  Moreover, when I find myself being rude, usually in the form of a sarcastic remark, I eventually retreat, feel guilty as heck, and resolve to correct that flaw in my character. […]

1507, 2016

Rio 2016 Insight: Learning from the Salt Lake Olympic Winter Games

July 15th, 2016|

By: Natalie Gochnour Originally published in Utah Business Hosting the Olympic Games is not for the faint of heart. The spotlight is bright, the logistics are complicated and the cost is substantial. Nobody knows this better than Rio de Janeiro, the host for the 2016 Summer Olympic Games. The Rio Olympics have been beset by extraordinary challenges, including the Zika virus, doping scandals, serious crime, environmental problems, political mayhem and the nation’s worst recession since the 1930s. […]