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Health Care and Life Sciences

The Gardner Institute employs a senior health care analyst and a team of economists knowledgeable about Utah’s health care policies and economy. We also benefit from a Health Care Advisory Council that guides our research agenda and supports the development of a health care policy practice area. Our research focus areas include, but are not limited to: (1) analyzing state and national health care trends; (2) collaborating with health care experts and community leaders to analyze relevant health care policy; and (3) conducting research and preparing data on Utah’s health care sector.

2410, 2023

Relational Health: The Connection Between Adult and Childhood Mental Health

October 24th, 2023|

Childhood mental health is influenced by several factors, including genetic predisposition, parental or caregiver mental health, and exposure to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) such as violence in the home or community, emotional abuse or neglect, and economic hardship. Although the relationship between these factors is complex, Utah’s higher-than-average ACE scores and adult mental health needs indicate areas of potential influence to support childhood mental health in the state.

2709, 2023

Insight: Concerns About Affordability Continue to Frame Utah’s Changing Health Care Coverage Landscape

September 27th, 2023|

By: Melanie Beagley The last decade saw significant changes to the health care coverage landscape in Utah and across the U.S. The passing of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) ushered in efforts to expand health care coverage to population groups historically uninsured or underinsured, including households living near or below the federal poverty level and young adults. It also supported certain employers in providing health care coverage to their employees[i],[ii] and prohibited health plans from denying coverage based on preexisting conditions.[iii] […]

212, 2021

A Roadmap for Improving Utah’s Behavioral Health System 2021 End-of-Year Update

December 2nd, 2021|

The Utah Hospital Association (UHA) released A Roadmap for Improving Utah’s Behavioral Health System in February 2020. The Roadmap was developed in collaboration with UHA’s behavioral health committee and mental health workgroup, comprising members of the mental health community. The purpose of the roadmap is to provide a guide policy makers, UHA, and other stakeholders can use to support legislation, policy decisions, and program development to help ensure every citizen in the state of Utah has access to appropriate behavioral health services and supports.