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Consumer Sentiment Survey

The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute publishes Utah’s monthly consumer sentiment index. The index helps policymakers, businesses, and local communities understand consumers’ perspectives on present and future economic circumstances, allowing them to proactively strategize and adapt to changes. The survey questions are identical to essential questions from the University of Michigan’s national consumer sentiment survey, with additional questions specific to the state of Utah. Our monthly report on consumer sentiment includes a comparison of the Utah and U.S. indexes, along with response data for each survey question.

110, 2020

October 2020 Utah Consumer Confidence

October 1st, 2020|

Our October survey of consumer sentiment—the first month this survey has been conducted—suggests sentiment may have a higher “level” in Utah than in the U.S., though we will need a few more months of data to confirm this. Table 1 shows responses to questions that define “sentiment” for Utah (our October survey) and the U.S. as a whole (from the University of Michigan).