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The most recent research published by the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute
Utah Travel & Tourism County Profiles, 2023
The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute prepares annual travel and tourism industry profiles for all 29 Utah counties. These profiles include detailed breakdowns of several economic indicators such as employment, tax revenue, accommodations, and more.
Exploring Utah’s Pacific Islander Groups: A Detailed Analysis
More than 59,000 Utah residents identify as Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone or in combination with other races. These Pacific Islanders represent 1.8% of Utah’s population, the third highest share in the United States.
August 2024 Utah Consumer Sentiment
Utah’s consumer sentiment increased by 2.3% in August (from 81.1 in July to 83.0 in August), according to the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute’s Survey of Utah Consumer Sentiment.
The Impact of Housing on Health
The impact of housing on health, while complex, can be understood through three distinct yet interconnected pathways: (1) housing conditions, (2) neighborhood conditions, and (3) housing affordability.
Salt Lake City Data Book: Utah’s Capital City Demographic Resource
Created to inform decision-making in city government, this data book provides insights into Salt Lake City’s population and households at two levels: city council districts and census tracts.
Growing but Narrowing: Long-Term Structural Changes in Utah’s Sales Tax Base
Utah’s sales tax base grew with inflation and population growth in recent decades but failed to pace with economic growth until recently.
Decoding the Income Tax Earmark: Proposed Changes to Utah’s Constitution
On the November 2024 ballot, voters will decide whether or not to amend the Utah Constitution to allow the use of income tax revenue for any public function, contingent on maintaining certain school funding provisions.
An Economic Summary of Summit County’s Cultural Industry, 2023
Summit County’s cultural industry, which includes the design, education, entertainment, fashion, film, humanities, and traditional arts sectors, generated $534.1 million in output (direct spending) and supported an estimated 1,845 Summit County jobs in 2023.
An Economic Summary of Rich County’s Cultural Industry, 2023
Rich County’s cultural industry, which includes the design, education, entertainment, fashion, film, humanities, and traditional arts sectors, generated $3.2 million in output (direct spending) and supported an estimated 36 Rich County jobs in 2023.
An Economic Summary of Cache County’s Cultural Industry, 2023
Cache County’s cultural industry, which includes the design, education, entertainment, fashion, film, humanities, and traditional arts sectors, generated $392.4 million in output (direct spending) and supported an estimated 2,516 Cache County jobs in 2023.