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The most recent research published by the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute
June 2023 Utah Consumer Sentiment
Utah’s consumer sentiment rose in June to its highest level in more than a year (76.3), according to the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute’s Survey of Utah Consumer Sentiment. A similar survey by the University of Michigan found an increase of similar magnitude among Americans as a whole (64.4).
Utah’s County-to-County Migration Profiles
Utah counties experience unique balances of in- and out-migration, flowing from both other states and neighboring counties.
The Geography of Utah’s Migration: A County Level Analysis
Utah counties experience unique balances of in- and out-migration, flowing from both other states and neighboring counties.
Utah Travel and Tourism County Profiles, 2021
In 2021, visitors directly spent significantly across the state, a sharp increase from 2020. The top three spending categories were auto transportation, lodging, and food service. Visitor spending made up a large portion the overall travel and tourism economy.
First Insights – 2020 Census Demographic and Housing Characteristic File
Utah’s growth and change highlighted in previous 2020 Census data products are also apparent in the 2020 Census Demographic and Housing Characteristic (DHC) file. This large data product adds more demographic and housing details to the previously released products from the 2020 Census.
U.S. Census Bureau Estimates by Metropolitan and Micropolitan Areas, 2022
Each year, the Census Bureau produces population estimates at varying levels of geography. Part of the Census Bureau’s most recent release on May 18, 2023 provides population estimates for metropolitan areas and micropolitan areas in the United States and Puerto Rico.
U.S. Census Bureau Estimates for Cities and Housing Units, 2022
On May 18th, 2023, the Census Bureau released population estimates for incorporated places (cities and towns) and housing units at the state and county level for July 1, 2022. The city-level population estimates utilize locally submitted building permits to estimate population. They are then controlled to the county estimate totals, which were published in March 2023.
May 2023 Utah Consumer Sentiment
Utah’s consumer sentiment was essentially unchanged in May (71.0) compared to April (70.5), according to the Kem C. Gardner Institute’s Survey of Utah Consumer Sentiment. A similar survey by the University of Michigan found sentiment fell from April (63.5) to May (59.2) among Americans as a whole