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The most recent research published by the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute

1207, 2023

Refugees in Utah (2023 Update)

July 12th, 2023|

United States law, which is aligned with international law, defines a refugee as any person who is outside their country of nationality or habitation and “is unable or unwilling to return to, and is unable or unwilling to avail himself or herself of the protection of, that country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion."

107, 2023

July 2023 Utah Consumer Sentiment

July 1st, 2023|

Utah’s consumer sentiment edged up in July to its highest level since February 2022 (from 76.3 in June to 77.3 in July), according to the Kem C. Gardner Institute’s Survey of Utah Consumer Sentiment. A similar survey by the University of Michigan found a larger increase among Americans as a whole (from 64.4 in June to 71.6 in July). T

2906, 2023

Characteristics of Utah’s Migrants: A 2021 Update

June 29th, 2023|

In 2021, the magnitude and characteristics of Utah’s migrants shifted from the 2014-2018 pre-pandemic period. Changing population dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as increasing telework, increasing uncertainty, and changing housing market conditions, helped drive these shifts.

2206, 2023

U.S. Census Bureau Estimates for Age, Vintage 2022

June 22nd, 2023|

Each year, the Census Bureau produces population estimates at varying levels of geography. The age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin estimates at the national, state, and county levels are the final release of the 2022 vintage estimate package.

1506, 2023

Utah’s Pandemic Learning Loss

June 15th, 2023|

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted nearly every aspect of life, and K-12 education was no exception. In spring 2020, nearly all schools nationwide shifted to remote learning and many schools continued with full closures or hybrid schedules through the 2020-2021 school year.

806, 2023

Demographic Inputs for Utah’s Long-Term Baseline and Scenario Planning Projections

June 8th, 2023|

This document presents inputs and methods that produced the demographic components of change for the Vintage 2021 Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute’s Utah Demographic and Economic Model (UDEM). Details include geographic variations within the state, age and gender patterns, and special types of migration related to retirement, missionaries, students, and other special populations. The document also reports how the limited 2020 decennial census data were combined with other resources and models to inform the process.