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The most recent research published by the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute

111, 2023

November 2023 Utah Consumer Sentiment

November 1st, 2023|

Utah’s consumer sentiment rose 6.4% in November (from 69.1 in October to 73.6), according to the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute’s Survey of Utah Consumer Sentiment. A similar survey by the University of Michigan found that sentiment fell 4.0% among Americans as a whole during the same time (from 63.8 to 61.3).

2410, 2023

Relational Health: The Connection Between Adult and Childhood Mental Health

October 24th, 2023|

Childhood mental health is influenced by several factors, including genetic predisposition, parental or caregiver mental health, and exposure to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) such as violence in the home or community, emotional abuse or neglect, and economic hardship. Although the relationship between these factors is complex, Utah’s higher-than-average ACE scores and adult mental health needs indicate areas of potential influence to support childhood mental health in the state.

1610, 2023

An Economic Summary of Uintah County’s Cultural Industry, 2023

October 16th, 2023|

Uintah County’s cultural industry, which includes the design, education, entertainment, fashion, film, humanities, and traditional arts sectors, generated $37.2 million in output (direct spending) in 2022. This $37.2 million directly supported an estimated 330 jobs and indirectly supported an additional 95 jobs in Uintah County.

1610, 2023

An Economic Summary of Utah County’s Cultural Industry, 2023

October 16th, 2023|

In 2022, Utah County’s cultural industry, including the design, education, entertainment, fashion, film, humanities, and traditional arts sectors, generated $2.20 billion in output (direct spending). This $2.20 billion in cultural in spending directly supported an estimated 15,008 Utah County jobs and indirectly supported an additional 10,059 jobs.

1610, 2023

An Economic Summary of Davis County’s Cultural Industry, 2023

October 16th, 2023|

Davis County’s cultural industry, which includes the design, education, entertainment, fashion, film, humanities, and traditional arts sectors, generated $691.0 million in output (direct spending) in 2022. This $691.0 million directly supported an estimated 5,060 jobs and indirectly supported an additional 2,391 jobs in Davis County.

1610, 2023

An Economic Summary of Washington County’s Cultural Industry, 2023

October 16th, 2023|

Washington County’s cultural industry, which includes the design, education, entertainment, fashion, film, humanities, and traditional arts sectors, generated $570.5 million in output (direct spending) in 2022. This $570.5 million directly supported an estimated 3,505 jobs and indirectly supported an additional 2,499 jobs in Washington County

910, 2023

New Utah: Keepers of the Flame Summary Document

October 9th, 2023|

As keepers of the flame, Utahns entrust those in public service with the responsibility to keep Utah strong and flourishing. Utah leaders’ guidance of the New Utah will determine the state’s future success. This summary presents evidence for the New Utah. It also shares ideas on what leaders can do today to keep Utah’s flame burning bright long into the future.

910, 2023

The New Utah: Keepers of the Flame Monograph

October 9th, 2023|

As keepers of the flame, Utahns entrust those in public service with the responsibility to keep Utah strong and flourishing. Utah leaders’ guidance of the New Utah will determine the state’s future success. This summary presents evidence for the New Utah. It also shares ideas on what leaders can do today to keep Utah’s flame burning bright long into the future.

710, 2023

El Nuevo Utah: Guardianes de la Llama (The New Utah Summary Spanish Translation)

October 7th, 2023|

En los albores del siglo XXI, los líderes de Utah colocaron una cápsula del tiempo bajo la escalinata del capitolio del estado de Utah. El repositorio histórico incluía un libro encuadernado en cuero con cartas para los futuros 124 dirigentes de los poderes ejecutivo, legislativo y judicial. La carta de presentación del exgobernador Mike Leavitt conmemoró la solemne responsabilidad de los líderes de Utah de actuar como «guardianes de la llama» (keepers of the flame). La llama simboliza la grandeza de Utah y la luz que comparte con el mundo.