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Public Finance

The Gardner Institute employs a team of economists who specialize in public finance. We also benefit from a Public Finance Council that guides our research agenda and supports the development of a public finance practice area. Our research focus areas include, but are not limited to: tax policy, revenue forecasting, fiscal impacts, budget stress-testing, budget transparency, and public finance best practices.

303, 2020

Insight: State Budget Report Cards Out, Utah a Model Student

March 3rd, 2020|

By: Juliette Tennert Note: The opinions expressed are those of the author alone and do not reflect an institutional position of the Gardner Institute. We hope the opinions shared contribute to the marketplace of ideas and help people as they formulate their own INFORMED DECISIONS™. Mar 3, 2020 – The Volcker Alliance gave Utah high marks in state budget practices in its recently released Truth and Integrity in State Budgeting: The Balancing Act report. […]

609, 2019

Utah System of Higher Education: State Aid Project

September 6th, 2019|

USHE commissioned the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute to assess system-wide tuition and state aid policies. This report focuses on three main topics: tuition and state aid policies, the economic impacts of nonresident students, and measuring college affordability. This comprehensive report presents a baseline analysis for further policy discussion surrounding state aid in Utah.

1306, 2019

State Budget Stress Testing: How Utah Budget-makers are Shifting the Focus from a Balanced Budget to Fiscal Sustainability

June 13th, 2019|

State budget stress tests help policymakers to plan for and create appropriate, measured responses to economic volatility. Utah is the first state to implement comprehensive budget stress testing, evaluating the sufficiency of reserves and other budget contingencies to cover recession-spurred revenue shortfalls and countercyclical cost hikes.

1306, 2019

State Budget Stress Testing User Guide

June 13th, 2019|

This user guide is a supplemental piece to the Gardner Institute’s report “State Budget Stress Testing: How Utah Budget makers are Shifting the Focus from a Balanced Budget to Fiscal Sustainability.” It is intended to assist other states in preparing their own budget stress tests.

1302, 2019

Insight: Utah’s Governor Seeks Sales Tax Reform

February 13th, 2019|

By: Natalie Gochnour Originally published in Utah Business Utah Governor Gary Herbert can claim many accolades. He boasts a 70 percent approval rating, higher than any major officeholder in the state. He is only the third Utah governor to serve more than eight years in office, another testament to the regard people have for him. And, if current trends continue until June 2019, he will lead Utah during its longest economic expansion on record (121 consecutive months). […]

1701, 2019

2019 Economic Report to the Governor (Highlights)

January 17th, 2019|

The Economic Report to the Governor has been the preeminent source for data and commentary on Utah’s economy for over 30 years.  The Utah Economic Council, convened by the David Eccles School of Business and Governor’s Office of Management and budget, publishes the report annually.

1701, 2019

2019 Economic Report to the Governor

January 17th, 2019|

The Economic Report to the Governor has been the preeminent source for data and commentary on Utah’s economy for over 30 years.  The Utah Economic Council, convened by the David Eccles School of Business and Governor’s Office of Management and budget, publishes the report annually.

201, 2019

Video: Tax Modernization in Utah: Sales and Use Tax

January 2nd, 2019|

Utahns share a common interest in a state and local tax system that provides for our needs, keeps the economy strong, and remains viable over the long term. This video presents economic and demographic realities impacting Utah’s current sales and use tax system.

1311, 2018

A Visual Guide to Tax Modernization in Utah

November 13th, 2018|

Utahns share a common interest in a state and local tax system that provides for our needs, keeps the economy strong, and remains viable over the long term. This visual guide to tax modernization presents economic and demographic realities impacting Utah’s current sales and use tax system.

907, 2018

Utah’s Expanding Medicaid Coverage: Three Scenarios

July 9th, 2018|

After years of debating whether and how to expand Medicaid coverage to uninsured adults who do not currently qualify for the program, Utah is poised to move forward with one of three changes to its Medicaid program in 2019. This policy brief helps Utah voters, policy makers, and business and community leaders better understand and compare the proposed changes to Utah’s Medicaid program. It includes information on program elements, federal and state costs, lessons learned from other states, and policy concerns associated with each scenario. A summary of key information on the proposed changes is provided below.