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Public Finance

The Gardner Institute employs a team of economists who specialize in public finance. We also benefit from a Public Finance Council that guides our research agenda and supports the development of a public finance practice area. Our research focus areas include, but are not limited to: tax policy, revenue forecasting, fiscal impacts, budget stress-testing, budget transparency, and public finance best practices.

1108, 2021

A Visual Guide to Tax Modernization in Utah: User Fees

August 11th, 2021|

The 2020 Census results confirmed what Utah residents already sensed: the Beehive State grew faster than any state in the country over the past decade, more than doubling the national growth rate. Growth brings opportunity, but it also brings challenges, as Utahns need an affordable place to live, water to care for basic needs, roads and other infrastructure to support a rapidly growing economy, clean air to breathe, schools and teachers to develop the workforce, and many other attributes of quality growth. In the coming years, Utah leaders must make significant investments if the state is to continue to prosper[...]

408, 2021

Insight: Public Asset Development in Utah

August 4th, 2021|

By: Max Backlund and Dejan Eskic Note: The opinions expressed are those of the authors alone and do not reflect an institutional position of the Gardner Institute. We hope the opinions shared contribute to the marketplace of ideas and help people as they formulate their own INFORMED DECISIONS™. Aug 4, 2021 – Public finance is one of those topics that few people ever plan to research, but here we are writing a blog post about it. And, here you are reading a blog post about it. So, before you read too far along and become enraptured by the idea of[...]

2907, 2021

Policy Brief: Public Asset Development in Utah

July 29th, 2021|

Public asset development rose to national awareness with the publication of The Public Wealth of Cities by Dag Detter and Stephen Fölster in 2017. Detter and Fölster, among others, offer the asset inventorying process as a public finance tool to help public sector organizations – including cities, counties, and any other land-owning public entity – to increase revenue without increasing taxes or public debt. Specifically, Detter and Fölster address assets that are “economic assets or operations that generate non-tax revenue, or could do so if properly structured and used.”

607, 2021

Retail Sales and the Pandemic: A Most Remarkable Year

July 6th, 2021|

This research brief examines 2020 retail trade sales in the context of long-term historical trends in sales activity. A seemingly straightforward comparative analysis of yearly sales, however, was complicated by data comparability issues. Hence, care was taken to ensure an “apples to apples” approach, which required some discussion of evolving tax reporting and remittance requirements

2506, 2021

Insight: Utah’s Challenge

June 25th, 2021|

By: Phil Dean Note: The opinions expressed are those of the author alone and do not reflect an institutional position of the Gardner Institute. We hope the opinions shared contribute to the marketplace of ideas and help people as they formulate their own INFORMED DECISIONS™. Jun 25, 2021 – Utah’s population and economy continue growing. This growth creates tremendous opportunities for Utahns. Growth also creates challenges. Some growth challenges stem from the interactions of topographical and other physical constraints with legacy transportation, land, air, and water use patterns. Other challenges arise because outdated systems poorly align with the modern economy.[...]

3004, 2021

Insight: Federal Economic Stimulus Efforts

April 30th, 2021|

By: Phil Dean Note: The opinions expressed are those of the author alone and do not reflect an institutional position of the Gardner Institute. We hope the opinions shared contribute to the marketplace of ideas and help people as they formulate their own INFORMED DECISIONS™. Apr 30, 2021 – Since the Great Depression nearly a century ago, the U.S. Congress and President have used fiscal policy (taxing and spending powers) and the Federal Reserve has used monetary policy (influencing interest rates through control of the money supply) in an attempt to counteract economic declines. Over the past year, both fiscal[...]

2402, 2021

Guest Insight: Utah Needs a Federal Child Allowance

February 24th, 2021|

By: Louise Knauer and Susan Olson Note:  The opinions expressed represent the views of the Utah Citizens’ Counsel and its Social Support Systems Committee. The views do not reflect an institutional position of the Gardner Institute. We hope the opinions shared contribute to the marketplace of ideas and help people as they formulate their own INFORMED DECISIONS™. Feb 24, 2021 – The Utah Citizens’ Counsel (UCC) is an independent, non-partisan group of senior community advocates dedicated to improving Utah public policy on a range of issues. We issued our latest report in November 2020.  We sometimes think of ourselves as the[...]

909, 2020

Informed Decisions 2020 Election Brief

September 9th, 2020|

In this INFORMED DECISIONS™ election brief, we share insights in three areas of critical concern to Utahns: education funding, housing affordability, and the impact of COVID-19 on Utah’s economy. We will also host forums and candidate discussions as a companion to this research.

1203, 2020

Insight: Despite Public Health Concerns, Utah’s Fiscal House is in Order

March 12th, 2020|

By: Juliette Tennert Note: The opinions expressed are those of the author alone and do not reflect an institutional position of the Gardner Institute. We hope the opinions shared contribute to the marketplace of ideas and help people as they formulate their own INFORMED DECISIONS™. Mar 12, 2020 – Earlier this year, we started to hear about a mysterious virus popping up in China. At that time, I never would have imagined that Governor Herbert would be declaring a state of emergency, and the University of Utah, where I work and teach, would be moving classes online for more than[...]