News Release
Utah’s Higher Education System: A Catalyst for Individual and Societal Success
February 27, 2025 (Salt Lake City) – Utah’s investment in higher education pays significant dividends, according to a new policy brief from the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute. The report highlights the state’s exceptionally well-trained workforce, robust economic performance, and strong social fabric, all directly linked to a long-standing educational commitment. This emphasis on higher education extends far beyond the economic impacts, contributing to social well-being, civic engagement, and innovation.
“The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute’s report demonstrates the profound and multifaceted impact of Utah’s higher education system,” said Geoffrey Landward, Utah Commissioner of Higher Education. “The benefits of higher education extend well beyond campus, and we remain committed to empowering students with the skills and knowledge needed to drive Utah’s economic growth and future opportunities.”
“Education plays a crucial role in shaping individuals, communities, and our state’s future,” said Andrea Brandley, Senior Education Analyst at the Gardner Institute and lead author of the report. “Our research provides a comprehensive overview of how higher education contributes to Utah’s success story.”
Key findings from the brief include the following:
Economic Contributions – Utah’s public higher education system supports approximately 132,000 jobs and contributes $12.1 billion to the state’s GDP. Research universities are especially vital drivers of economic growth, providing 83% of the system’s total economic contribution.
Earnings and Economic Stability – Individuals with higher educational attainment enjoy significantly higher incomes, economic stability, and improved life quality, with median earnings rising steadily with each level of education. Unemployment and poverty rates are substantially lower among those with college degrees. For example, the 2023 unemployment rate of Utahns with a bachelor’s degree or higher tallies 1.8 percentage points lower than those with a high school diploma alone.
Reduced Disparities and Increased Mobility – Higher education helps reduce economic inequalities and fosters upward mobility. Students with family members holding postgraduate degrees are more likely to complete their postsecondary education. Nationally, 74% of people with a college degree achieve a family income higher than their parents.
Health Outcomes – Utahns with higher education levels report better health outcomes, including higher rates of excellent/very good health and greater health care coverage. Approximately 92% of Utah adults with a college degree reported good, very good, or excellent general health in 2023.
Civic Engagement – Higher education fosters greater civic engagement, including significantly higher rates of volunteerism and voter participation. In 2023, 78% of Utahns with a certificate, associate degree, bachelor’s degree, or post-graduate degree reported always or often voting in state elections compared to 53% of those who discontinued high school, earned a high school degree/GED, or attended some college.
Reliance on Public Assistance – Data show a significant reduction in the use of public assistance among individuals with postsecondary degrees. For example, 30% of adults ages 25 or older in the U.S. receive Medicaid, compared to 11% among those with a bachelor’s degree or higher.
Skilled Workforce – Utah’s higher education system consistently produces a skilled workforce, with many graduates receiving high-yield degrees matching in-demand jobs within the state. Approximately 72% of degrees awarded by the Utah System of Higher Education in 2024 were classified as “high yield” degrees, meaning they feature training for high-wage/high-demand jobs.
Innovation and Economic Multiplier – Utah benefits from a strong innovation ecosystem fostered by its research universities. Higher education in Utah also possesses a significant economic multiplier, magnifying its positive impact on the state’s economy. Utah’s level of innovation ranked highest in the nation, according to a recent study by the Indiana Business Research Center.