News Release

Utah Consumer Sentiment Steady in May

June 4, 2024 (Salt Lake City) – Utah’s consumer sentiment increased by 1.8% in May (from 76.3 in April to 77.7), according to the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute’s Survey of Utah Consumer Sentiment. This monthly change is not statistically significant. A similar survey by the University of Michigan found that sentiment fell 10.5% among Americans as a whole during the same time (from 77.2 to 69.1).

“Utah’s consumer sentiment jumped last month and is now statistically significantly higher than that of the U.S. after several months of being similar to the U.S.,” said Phil Dean, chief economist at the Gardner Institute.  “This returns to the more typical trend in recent years of Utah generally following the national trends but remaining above the U.S. Level.  I expect sentiment to continue to fluctuate in this uncertain environment.”

The full results are now available online.
