Great Salt Lake Strike Team

Informing Utah’s strategies to increase the water level of Great Salt Lake

Great Salt Lake Strike Team Policy Summaries

The Great Salt Lake Strike Team analyzed, researched, and debated the effectiveness and feasibility of many policy options that could improve the health of Great Salt Lake. The Strike Team prepared summaries of these different policy options, providing the latest data, research, and best practices. The following policy summaries are not endorsed by the Strike Team. Rather, they provide more detail about several of the most talked about policy options.

The best policy options will meet multiple criteria:

  1. Ecological sustainability
  2. Economic viability
  3. Political possibility
  4. Technical feasibility 
  5. Legally sound

Significant changes have been made to state law to address the impacts of record-low elevations, but more action and policy are required to return the lake to healthy levels. Decision-makers can build upon the foundation laid in the past several years while crafting a coherent and unified plan to restore the lake to healthy levels and ensure its health for the long term. 

Water Shepherding

Economic Incentives

Agriculture Optimization

Engineered Options