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The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute announces its next Newsmaker Breakfast, a monthly event highlighting important issues impacting Utahns.

The Great Salt Lake Strike Team includes researchers from Utah State University and the University of Utah working with state leads from the Utah Departments of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Food, and Environmental Quality and additional experts from other entities. Together, these entities join a model partnership to provide timely, relevant, and high-quality data and research that help decision-makers make informed decisions about Great Salt Lake.

Join Great Salt Lake Strike Team members who will discuss the latest research and progress updates to enhance and strengthen Utah’s strategies to improve watershed management and increase water levels.

Gardner Institute director Natalie Gochnour will moderate the conversation. Media are invited to attend and ask questions.


  • Brian Steed, Great Salt Lake Commissioner, State of Utah; Executive Director, Janet Quinney Lawson Institute for Land, Water, and Air, Utah State University
  • William Anderegg, Director, Wilkes Center for Climate Science and Policy, University of Utah
  • Kevin Perry, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Utah
  • Ben Stireman, Deputy Director, Utah Division of Forestry, Fire and State Lands, State of Utah

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