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The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute will feature federal tax reform at its first Newsmaker Breakfast of 2018.

The Trump Administration and Congress recently enacted sweeping changes to the federal tax code. The tax overhaul includes a $1.5 trillion tax cut over 10 years. At the January Newsmaker Breakfast, we will discuss:

  • What’s in the law?
  • Who are the winners and losers?
  • How does it impact Utah?
  • What is the process used by state government to understand the impacts and inform state policies?
  • How does Utah manage this type of uncertainty?

Joining us will be two individuals with significant knowledge about the Utah economy, tax policy and the consensus process used on Capitol Hill:

Juliette Tennert, Chief Economist, Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute

Jonathan Ball, Legislative Fiscal Analyst, Utah State Legislature

The conversation will be moderated by Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute director Natalie Gochnour. Please RSVP to as space is limited.

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