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2602, 2020

Race/Ethnicity in the 2018 Wasatch Front Labor Force: An Equal Employment Opportunity Analysis

February 26th, 2020|

Current data reveals 1 in 5 Utahns identify as racial minorities, rising 3.8% from 2017 to 2018.1 This is more rapid than the comparable 1.9% year-over growth rate of the total population. Racial and ethnic diversity continues to increase across the nation and in Utah. The extent of this diversity varies significantly by neighborhood, community, and county. For example, minority identification in the Wasatch Front region is closer to 1 in 4 at 24%, while Salt Lake County is 29% minority.

1102, 2020

Economic Impacts of Utah’s Energy Industry, 2017

February 11th, 2020|

Utah’s diverse energy industry plays a significant role in the state’s economy. It encompasses traditional fossil fuels and renewable resources. The mining sector produces crude oil, natural gas, and coal. Power producers generate electricity from hydropower, geothermal, solar, wind, and biomass resources and distribute it within the state and across the western U.S. Five refineries process crude oil from Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, and Canada, and Utah has the only licensed and operating uranium mill in the country. Dozens of firms manufacture machinery for mining and the oil and gas fields as well as turbines, generators, transformers, and other electrical equipment.[...]

2801, 2020

Survey of Utah’s Top Homebuilders

January 28th, 2020|

Increasing prices and a shortage of new housing units continue to be a challenge across the State of Utah. The goal of the survey of Utah’s top homebuilders is to shed light on market sentiment and provide insight into the issues and opportunities facing our housing market. The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute conducted the survey of Utah's top homebuilders in fall 2019. Of the 24 homebuilders contacted, 19 participated. The survey participants were identified using Construction Monitor rankings of top homebuilders. Surveys were conducted through either in-person or telephone interviews.

2701, 2020

January 2020 Economic Summary

January 27th, 2020|

Utah’s unemployment rate was 2.3% in December 2019, lower than the December 2018 rate of 3.2%. The national unemployment rate was 3.5% in December 2019, lower than the December 2018 rate of 3.9%.

2201, 2020

Moving Toward 2020: Utah Commuting Patterns, 2000 to 2010

January 22nd, 2020|

As Utah’s population has grown and changed, housing developments, employment opportunities, and communities have expanded, and so have the commuting patterns of the employed workers who call Utah home. Analysis of recent county-to-county commuting data demonstrates that Salt Lake County remains the economic hub for the state, even as employment has expanded elsewhere in Utah. This finding is reinforced by an interchange score analysis which quantifies the strength of commuting relationships between partner counties across the state. The scores reveal that while Salt Lake County has several strong commuting partners, important commuting ties are also present in other parts of[...]

1701, 2020

Utah Informed 2020

January 17th, 2020|

Utah Informed ​is a collection of tables, charts, ideas, and schematics to prompt consideration of a compelling trend, spur an innovative idea, or inspire an aspirational thought. Decision makers are advantaged when they understand the past 20 years as they plan for the next 20 years. It is in the spirit of seeing more clearly and preparing for the future that we produce Utah Informed. In it, we provide relevant and interesting information to help Utahns make informed decisions in the coming year in the coming year and beyond. The Gardner Institute, in partnership with the Salt Lake Chamber, publishes Utah[...]

1701, 2020

2020 Utah Economic Report to the Governor

January 17th, 2020|

The 2020 Economic Report to the Governor is the 32nd publication in this series. Through the last three decades, the Economic Report to the Governor as served as the preeminent source for data, research, and analysis about the Utah economy. It includes a national and state economic overview, a summary of state government economic development activities, an analysis of economic activity based on the standard indicators, and a detailed review of industries and issues of particular interest. The primary goal of the report is to improve the reader’s understanding of the Utah economy. With improved economic literacy, decision makers in[...]

601, 2020

The Utah Roadmap: Positive Solutions on Climate and Air Quality

January 6th, 2020|

At the request of the Utah Legislature, the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute – with the assistance of a 37-person Technical Advisory Committee – prepared this Utah Roadmap to assist with legislative policy making to improve air quality and address causes and impacts of a changing climate. The Utah Roadmap identifies areas of opportunity to further reduce air emissions and ensure a healthy, productive and prosperous future for all Utahns. On January 6, the Gardner Institute released the Utah Roadmap for public review and will consider feedback as the recommendations are finalized. The Gardner Institute will accept feedback until January[...]