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Utah State Government Growth Presentation

In 2020, U.S. government expenditures climbed to 31.2% of the nation's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the largest expenditure as a percent GDP since the end of World War II. Such a level of government participation[...]


Family Planning Elevated

Facilitated deliberative work session for Family Planning Elevated’s Stakeholder Convening, and provided discussion guide consultation

Research Brief: Housing Prices and the Threat to Affordability

Utah business and community leaders wisely pay close attention to housing affordability. Since 1991 Utah housing prices have outpaced every state but Colorado, Oregon and[...]

Policy Brief: Designation of Opportunity Zones

The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute has prepared an initial evaluation of census tracts within Utah with significant economic need and market potential. We conducted[...]

Policy Brief: Utah’s Olympic Economic Legacy, 2018

The 2002 Olympic Winter Games enlarged the Utah economy and left a lasting economic legacy. This legacy continues to grow and change as the Utah[...]
