A Visual Guide to Tax Modernization in Utah
Utahns share a common interest in a state and local tax system that provides for our needs, keeps the economy strong, and remains viable over[...]
By: Julia Martin Mar 21, 2022 – “Good oral health is critical for children, as it can affect their overall health, social adjustment, appearance, school performance, and ability to thrive”[1] Oral health is an often[...]
By: Thomas Holst Mar 17, 2022 – Current motor gasoline prices have shocked Utah motorists. Utah motor gasoline prices jumped $1 per gallon to $4.35. The increase came after the United States and European countries[...]
The continued record breaking pace of permitted construction activity reached new milestones in 2021. The rebound in commercial activity in 2021 put the year total on the second highest in terms of construction value. The[...]
Utahns share a common interest in a state and local tax system that provides for our needs, keeps the economy strong, and remains viable over[...]
The Utah economy remains healthy. Every major industrial sector expanded in 2017, contributing a total of 43,500 new jobs over the year. An annual employment[...]
On August 17, 2018, the Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute and the Hatch Center for Civility & Solutions jointly hosted the annual Kem C. Gardner[...]
Voters have much to consider this year as they fill out their ballots. The Gardner Policy Institute and the Hinckley Institute of Politics of the[...]
At the request of the President’s Office at the University of Utah and in support of the Alliance for the American Dream, the Kem C.[...]
By: Thomas Holst The United Nations (UN) selected Salt Lake City as the site[...]
By: Mallory Bateman The 2020 Census is just over seven months away for most[...]
By: Emily Harris Labor Day marks the end of the busy moving season, spanning[...]