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Practice Areas

Insight: Oral Health in Utah

By: Julia Martin Mar 21, 2022 – “Good oral health is critical for children, as it can affect their overall health, social adjustment, appearance, school performance, and ability to thrive”[1] Oral health is an often[...]

Insight: Panic at the Pump

By: Thomas Holst Mar 17, 2022 – Current motor gasoline prices have shocked Utah motorists. Utah motor gasoline prices jumped $1 per gallon to $4.35. The increase came after the United States and European countries[...]


The State of Utah’s Travel and Tourism Industry, 2018

Utah’s diverse travel and tourism industry provides jobs and income for Utah residents and contributes state and local tax revenue. Utah’s natural, cultural, and historical[...]

The State of Utah’s Travel and Tourism Industry, September 2019 (Tri-Fold Brochure)

In 2018, travelers and tourists spent a record $9.75 billion in Utah. Nonresident visitors spent $8.38 billion of that total, with the largest shares spent[...]

September 18th, 2019|Latest Research, Practice Areas, Public Policy, Travel & Tourism|

Ivory-Boyer Construction Report, 2nd Quarter 2019

The total statewide value of permit authorized construction in Utah during the first half of 2019 is $4.7 billion (Table 1). The residential sector accounts[...]

Utah’s Mental Health System

Our country is in the midst of a mental health crisis. Increasing suicide rates, untreated anxiety and depression among our youth, traumatic brain injuries, and[...]

2019 Rural Health Convening (Intermountain Healthcare Convening Proceedings Report)

On June 24–25, 2019, Intermountain Healthcare hosted the 2019 Rural Health Convening in Midway, Utah. The convening brought together leaders from the Centers for Medicare[...]
