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Health Care

Insight: Oral Health in Utah

By: Julia Martin Mar 21, 2022 – “Good oral health is critical for children, as it can affect their overall health, social adjustment, appearance, school performance, and ability to thrive”[1] Oral health is an often[...]


Early Childhood Mental Health in Utah

Early childhood mental health services address an important need in Utah. More data and collaboration in this area can help maximize health, opportunity, and public[...]

Moving Toward Evidence-Based Programs: Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder in Utah

Drug overdose is the leading cause of injury death in Utah, and opioid-related drug overdoses are a significant contributor to the rise in drug overdose[...]

Utah’s Mental Health System

Our country is in the midst of a mental health crisis. Increasing suicide rates, untreated anxiety and depression among our youth, traumatic brain injuries, and[...]

2019 Rural Health Convening (Intermountain Healthcare Convening Proceedings Report)

On June 24–25, 2019, Intermountain Healthcare hosted the 2019 Rural Health Convening in Midway, Utah. The convening brought together leaders from the Centers for Medicare[...]
