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Salt Lake City Data Book 2020

Describing the characteristics of Salt Lake City’s population and households at the neighborhood level reveals much more about the diversity, opportunities, and challenges within its[...]

Ivory-Boyer Construction Report, First Quarter 2020

As this report reflects the first three months of 2020, the severe economic impacts of the COVID-19 health pandemic are not yet captured. Without knowing[...]

Utah State and County Annual Population Estimates by Single Year of Age and Sex: 2010-2019

Utah’s population grew by nearly 450 thousand people (about 16 percent) between 2010 and 2019. Cumulative natural increase (births minus deaths) accounts for 70 percent[...]

The Economic Impacts of Utah’s Manufacturing Industry, 2018

Manufacturing is one of Utah’s largest industries, making significant contributions to the state’s economy. In 2018, the industry provided 7.0% of total employment, paid 9.6%[...]
