The Gardner Institute provides demographic decision support to the Utah State Legislature and Office of the Governor. We produce population estimates and projections, as well as applied demographic research focused on Utah. We represent the state in work with the Census Bureau, including the State Data Center Program and Federal State Cooperatives for Population Estimates and Projections. We work with the Census Bureau in production, distribution, and analysis of their product.
We are your demographic resource.
Exploring Utah’s Pacific Islander Groups: A Detailed Analysis
More than 59,000 Utah residents identify as Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone or in combination with other races. These Pacific Islanders represent 1.8% of Utah’s population, the third highest share in the United States.
Salt Lake City Data Book: Utah’s Capital City Demographic Resource
Created to inform decision-making in city government, this data book provides insights into Salt Lake City’s population and households at two levels: city council districts and census tracts.
Demographic Insight: Demographic Characteristics of Salt Lake City In-Migrants
In 2022, Salt Lake City attracted approximately 44,000 in-migrants. These new residents represent 21% of the city’s total population (204,653). This is much larger than the 3% statewide share of in-migrants.
Exploring Utah’s Hispanic or Latino Groups: A Detailed Analysis
Nearing half a million residents, Utah’s Hispanic or Latino population is the state’s 2nd largest racial or ethnic group, accounting for more than 15% of the state’s population.
Exploring Utah’s Racial and Ethnic Groups: A Detailed Analysis
Newly released 2020 census data highlights Utah’s increasing racial and ethnic diversity, with residents self-identifying as members of 258 detailed race groups and 757 American Indian and Alaska Native tribes and villages (both alone and in combination).
Demographic Insight: Utah’s California In-Migrants
Utah’s largest source of domestic in-migrants come from California, surpassed only by international migrants. One of every five Utah in-migrants moved from California in the most recent data.
Salt Lake City’s Racial and Ethnic Groups: A Detailed Analysis
Salt Lake City’s population includes a vibrant mix of racial and ethnic groups. Analysis of racial and ethnic subgroups, made possible by a new 2020 census data product, provides insight into Salt Lake City’s changing cultural communities.
U.S. Census Bureau Estimates for Age, Vintage 2023
Each year, the Census Bureau produces population estimates at varying levels of geography. The age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin estimates at the national, state, and county levels are the final release of the 2023 vintage estimate package.
U.S. Census Bureau Estimates for Race and Hispanic or Latino Origin, Vintage 2023
Each year, the Census Bureau produces population estimates at varying levels of geography. The age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin estimates at the national, state, and county levels are the final release of the 2023 vintage estimate package.
Mean Center of Population and Employment in Utah’s Economic Regions
The mean center of population and employment in northern Utah both fall in Salt Lake City. This reflects the strong influence Utah’s Greater Salt Lake economic region, namely Salt Lake City and County.