Community Characteristics
The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute produces insights for communities throughout the state and state-level insights into our changing household and population.
New Americans in Salt Lake County: A Qualitative Study of Service Providers to Immigrants and Refugees
Salt Lake County is home to over half of Utah’s new Americans. This population is ever-changing; the number of arrivals, major country or region of origin, and reason for moving to Utah can fluctuate in any given year. There is no monolithic population of new Americans in Salt Lake County – Salt Lake City’s foreign-born population has different characteristics and needs than that of West Valley, South Salt Lake, or Herriman. The diversity in these communities continues to grow, change, and impact the entire county as people place roots and grow their families.
Race/Ethnicity in the 2018 Wasatch Front Labor Force: An Equal Employment Opportunity Analysis
Current data reveals 1 in 5 Utahns identify as racial minorities, rising 3.8% from 2017 to 2018.1 This is more rapid than the comparable 1.9% year-over growth rate of the total population. Racial and ethnic diversity continues to increase across the nation and in Utah. The extent of this diversity varies significantly by neighborhood, community, and county. For example, minority identification in the Wasatch Front region is closer to 1 in 4 at 24%, while Salt Lake County is 29% minority.
Salt Lake City Change Atlas 2019
This Salt Lake City Change Atlas, 2019 presents changes in the city’s population, housing units and related characteristics. Salt Lake City Corporation sponsored the research.
The Salt Lake Apartment Market: An Analysis of Apartment Rental Rates in the Greater Salt Lake Region
Strong demand for apartment units in the Wasatch Front has led to a rapid increase in rental rates. Since the Great Recession, the increase in average rent has outpaced income growth and inflation. Pent up demand coupled with a robust population increase has fueled the growth of the regions’ rental market. Traditionally, Salt Lake City, West Valley City, Murray, and other northern cities of Salt Lake County have held a majority of the apartment inventory. However, cites in southern Salt Lake County and northern Utah County are experiencing significant expansion. Renters are showing a preference for proximity to employment centers,[...]
Washington County Temporary Resident Population Estimates, 2017
Washington County’s blend of outdoor recreation opportunities and retirement communities contribute to a large, but previously unknown number of temporary residents.
Salt Lake City Data Book: 2017
This Salt Lake City Data Book has been sponsored by Salt Lake City Corporation. It presents the newest available data from various federal and state level entities regarding the demographics, socioeconomics, housing status, and general economic information about the city.