Census Research
The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute is the lead agency for three Census Bureau partnership programs: the State Data Center, the Federal State Cooperative for Population Estimates, and the Federal State Cooperative for Population Projections. The Institute is the state resource for insights into Census Bureau programs and products through these partnerships.
State and County Population Estimates: Comparing Census Bureau and Utah Population Committee, 2020-2023
The Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute chairs the UPC and is the lead entity in Utah for Census Bureau data, estimates, and products. As part of this work, the Institute formally evaluates and provides input to the Census Bureau on their Utah population estimates.
Demographic Insight: New 2018-2022 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates Released
The Census Bureau recently released the newest 5-year estimates from the American Community Survey (ACS).
Insight: New 2023 Census Bureau Estimates- National, Regional, and State Total Population and Components of Population Change
By Emily Harris This week, the Census Bureau released its first set of population estimates for the 2023 vintage: national and state resident population and components of change. This release provides a snapshot of the total population for all 50 states on July 1, 2023. […]
Insight: Utah’s Household Trends: A 2020 Census Perspective
By: Eric Albers and Heidi Prior Oct 6, 2023 – Hello, fellow Census data enthusiasts! Today, we are exploring Utah’s households, armed with the newest 2020 Census DHC Data. The household landscape changed quite a bit over the past decade. Here are some of the highlights from our newest Fact Sheet. […]
Insight: New Detailed Race and Ethnic Group Insights from 2020 Census
By: Mallory Bateman and Heidi Prior Sep 21, 2023 – Today the Census Bureau released new data on racial and ethnic groups, providing insights into 300 detailed race and ethnic groups and over 1,100 American Indian and Alaska Native tribes and villages. This data was collected as part of the 2020 census and comes from the Detailed Demographic and Housing Characteristics File A (Detailed DHC-A). […]
Fact Sheet: Utah’s Changing Households
The Utah's Changing Households Fact Sheet shows that the state was the fastest-growing in the country between 2010 and 2020, not only in total population but also in housing units and households.
Insight: Explosive Growth in Utah’s 65 and Older Population
By: Heidi Prior Aug 15, 2023 – One of the banner narratives from the 2020 Census Demographic and Housing Characteristics file is the significant aging of the population in the United States. […]
Fact Sheet: Utah’s Older Population: 2020
In 2020, 381,797 residents age 65 or older lived in Utah. The majority (60%) of these older Utahns were 65 to 74 years old and represent the oldest members of the baby boom generation. The next oldest age group, Utahns 75 to 84, was less than half the size of the 65 to 74 population and made up 29% of the older population.
Insight: Census Bureau Releases July 1, 2022 Age, Sex, and Race and Hispanic Origin Population Estimates
By: Emily Harris Note: The opinions expressed are those of the author alone and do not reflect an institutional position of the Gardner Institute. We hope the opinions shared contribute to the marketplace of ideas and help people as they formulate their own INFORMED DECISIONS™. Jun 22, 2023 – If you follow our demographic work at the Gardner Policy Institute lately, you may be overwhelmed with the sheer amount of Census Bureau data products being released. That’s ok, we are a bit overwhelmed, too. Between the typical population estimates release schedule and then the 2020 Demographic and Housing Characteristics release[...]
U.S. Census Bureau Estimates for Race and Hispanic Origin, Vintage 2022
Each year, the Census Bureau produces population estimates at varying levels of geography. The age, sex, race, and Hispanic origin estimates at the nation, state, and county level is the final release of the 2022 vintage estimate package.