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Blog Posts

2408, 2015

Insight: Demography as Possibility

August 24th, 2015|

By: Dr. Pamela Perlich, PhD Our newly organized Demography Team just initiated an ambitious research effort to produce detailed population projections for all Utah counties. We embark on this multiyear program of work with the clear understanding that the future is neither known nor knowable. So, how and why do we do the work? […]

1707, 2015

Insight: America, drugs and 'the power of the dog'

July 17th, 2015|

By: Natalie Gochnour Originally published in the Deseret News The escape of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman from a maximum security prison in Mexico is the stuff of movies. The kingpin of the Sinaloa Cartel escaped through a mile-long, lighted and ventilated tunnel. Now the person the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency calls “the godfather of the drug world” is on the run again. El Chapo is a very smart and powerful man. Some estimate he has a net worth of well over $1 billion, but that’s not even close to his real power: the network he commands. It’s a mega cartel[...]

707, 2015

Insight: Broken Windows Utah

July 7th, 2015|

By: Natalie Gochnour Originally published in Utah Business Most people are familiar with the “Broken Windows” theory of solving social problems. In a nutshell, it says to pay attention to little problems because they are a precursor to bigger problems. If a broken window is left unrepaired, then passersby will conclude nobody cares. Over time, more serious things will happen. This theory originated in the writings of George Kelling and James Q. Wilson. They wrote in a 1982 essay in The Atlantic Monthly that disorder and crime are usually inextricably linked. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani made the[...]

1506, 2015

Insight: Utah represented at International Paris Air Show

June 15th, 2015|

By: Natalie Gochnour Originally published in the Deseret News The International Paris Air Show is the largest and longest-running aerospace trade show in the world. For over 100 years the aviation industry has been gathering here to showcase the latest technologies in aviation and connect customers with suppliers. Charles Lindbergh landed his historic 1927 flight at this airport. This week an estimated 3,100 journalists, 285 official delegations from all over the world and over 300,000 attendees will visit the show. Gov. Gary Herbert’s trade delegation is here representing Utah. We are not alone. Other states with an economic interest in[...]

1106, 2015

Insight: European Commission meeting reiterates that Utah is small, but has significant reach

June 11th, 2015|

By: Natalie Gochnour Originally published in the Deseret News I was honored to accompany Gov. Gary Herbert and his economic team on two appointments with the European Commission (EC) in Brussels. We met with three heads of cabinet in the morning and later that afternoon with Vice President Jyrki Katainen, one of the top officials in the EC for economic matters and the former prime minister of Finland. The setting for these meetings speaks to the formality, seriousness and importance of the European Commission. We sat at a large 40-seat oval table, overlooking the city of Brussels. Each participant had[...]

1006, 2015

Insight: Utah punches above its weight

June 10th, 2015|

By: Natalie Gochnour Originally published in the Deseret News We are now two countries into Gov. Gary Herbert’s Western Europe Trade Mission, and a theme is emerging: Utah punches above its weight. Forgive me for the boxing metaphor, but it seems to fit and has been frequently quoted during this trade mission. It all started with comparisons between the Netherlands and Utah and continued as we visited Belgium. Both are small countries that make a big impact on the world, not unlike the state of Utah. The Netherlands is about twice the geographic size of New Jersey, but boasts the[...]

806, 2015

Insight: New Delta flight presents economic growth opportunities for Utah, Western Europe

June 8th, 2015|

By: Natalie Gochnour Originally published in the Deseret News This week I am traveling with Gov. Gary Herbert in Western Europe with a delegation of 40 business and community leaders. We are here to promote trade and tourism between Utah and five countries in Europe. The catalyst for the visit is Delta Air Lines' new nonstop flight from Salt Lake City to Amsterdam. This direct flight provides an opportunity to capitalize on Utah’s economic ties to Western Europe. I asked Alan Ross, the head of the U.S. Commercial Service in the Netherlands, why the non-stop flight was important. He didn’t[...]

805, 2015

Insight: A Rising Tide

May 8th, 2015|

By: Natalie Gochnour Originally published in Utah Business As a college student interning in Washington, D.C., I heard a friend offer a view of conservatism and liberalism that still affects me decades later. She said our job as responsible citizens is to conserve ideas that are right and true and liberate ideas that are right and true. This simple concept is a guiding light for me in public policy deliberations. Public policy is informed by ideology, but should not be controlled by it. The best public policy occurs when we draw the best ideas from the left and the right[...]

503, 2015

Insight: Utah Oil Prices 101

March 5th, 2015|

By: Natalie Gochnour Originally published in Utah Business I live by a Costco store and watch in amazement as people line up in their cars to purchase fuel. Am I imagining it or have lines gotten longer since motor fuel prices have been sliced in half? The plummeting price of oil has caused a rippling effect through the global, national and Utah economies. It’s the biggest economic news since the Great Recession and something we all need to understand better. Here’s my attempt at describing Utah Oil Prices 101: Lower oil prices benefit the Utah economy. Lower prices mean more[...]

1202, 2015

Insight: Flight Plan- Utah quite possibly has the best airport in the country

February 12th, 2015|

By: Natalie Gochnour Originally published in Utah Business One of my favorite signs in Utah is the electronic sign along I-80 just east of the airport that notifies drivers that downtown Salt Lake City is a mere five minutes away. It is a powerful reminder of the convenience of the Salt Lake City International Airport and the extraordinary asset it is to the Utah economy. I have served on the Airport Board for five years and last month finished my service as chair. It has been a phenomenal experience and I want to share some of what I learned. Stats[...]